

Have you been hesitant to upgrade your organization’s 微软365 subscriptions from Standard to Premium because you’re not sure it’s worth the extra cost? 对增加支出持谨慎态度是可以理解的. 然而, it might be time to reevaluate the long-term value and return on investment (ROI) that the Premium subscription offers, 特别是在安全方面. Understanding the Difference Between Standard and Premium 微软365 Business Premium includes advanced security features designed to counter modern cyber threats. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, 标准订阅只提供基本保障, 这可能不足以对抗当今复杂的网络攻击. 升级到金币更好[…]




网络威胁以惊人的复杂程度不断演变. The unsettling reality is that cyber intruders may already be navigating through your network undetected if you don’t have Managed Detection and Response (MDR) as part of your cybersecurity strategy. Consider this scenario: an employee clicks on a seemingly innocent email link, 引导他们进入一个巧妙伪装的登录页面. Believing it to be legitimate, they input their username and password, and think nothing of it. What actually just happened is that they gave their credentials to a cyber-criminal. Once an intruder gains access to an individual’s corporate account they enter the […]




Do you ever find yourself wasting precious time trying to log into different company systems? 想象一下,这是一个典型的周一早晨, 然后你就会看到再熟悉不过的“密码不正确”的错误提示. Minutes tick by as you struggle to access critical information for an important meeting, leading to a call for IT support and adding to a growing queue of similar requests. 这种情况在许多办公室每天都存在, transforming what should be simple logins into time-consuming productivity killers. 幸运的是,有一个解决方案:单点登录(SSO). 与SSO, 回忆无数密码的日子, 处理账户锁定, 联系[…]




How do you remember every password you have for all your personal and professional online accounts? Do you use easy to remember information like birthdays or names of family members and pets? 你有写在纸上的密码吗? 你让你的网页浏览器存储它们吗? 你是否为每个账户都设置了一个密码? 如果你使用这些密码存储策略, you should change right now because these are all insecure methods of retaining passwords. There’s a better way to store and utilize your passwords and that’s with a password keeper. […]




澳门赌场网址大全 awareness training is included with the security services that we provide to our clients here at Bellwether. We do this because we understand that cybersecurity isn’t just about technology. It’s about behavior and training people in best practices so they don’t inadvertently let a cyber intruder onto their device and into their employer’s network. July has become known as Ransomware Month to remind people of the threat that this kind of malicious software poses to companies everywhere. 勒索软件只是互联网上普遍存在的一种恶意软件. 为什么只关注这一种而不关注其他呢? Ransomware[…]




销售软件的公司, 制造零件或法律服务是非常不同的业务类型, 然而,他们都有一些共同点. They’re all faced with an increasing need to prove that they are safeguarding the data that they gather, 使用和储存. Sometimes the need for security compliance comes from legal regulations but for an increasing number of organizations, 对安全遵从性的需求来自他们的客户或供应商. 在本文中, we’re going to explore how cybersecurity compliance requirements are extending into industries that haven’t traditionally been regulated and present an overview of the compliance […]




澳门赌场网址大全 is not just about technology tools and checking the right boxes to make sure all your software is working in tandem. 如果是这样,那么安全策略将是一个设置和忘记的过程. 不幸的是, there is no easy button for standing up a solid cyber defense and when you work with an outsourced cybersecurity services provider, 您在自己的安全成功中发挥着关键作用. 事实上, instead of thinking about the cybersecurity services company you work with as a provider, 你应该把他们当成搭档. 为了使合作关系发挥作用,每个[…]




Back when your cyber defense was simple, you probably didn’t think too much about the cost. Now that your cybersecurity strategy is more sophisticated and requires a bigger investment, 你可能会怀疑你支付的价格是否合理. 虽然我们不能给你这个问题的确切答案, 我们可以帮助您了解驱动澳门赌场网址大全成本的因素. The first thing to keep in mind as you’re evaluating cybersecurity services costs is to realize that there are many different components and it’s hard to separate out a specific cost for each. 这就像去餐馆问[…]




When you recognize the signs that your internal IT team or small IT support company can’t handle everything that needs to be done with security, 是时候将澳门赌场网址大全服务外包了. These signs could be anything from experiencing a cyber-attack to your inability to qualify for cyber insurance. 即使你不知道要找什么, a gut feeling that your business isn’t as protected as it should be is something that you shouldn’t ignore. Managed IT and cyber defense companies like Bellwether are here to bring you the security capability that you don’t have in-house. […]




It used to be that whatever needed to be done to manage cybersecurity could be handled by a small internal team. 现在情况大不一样了. 一个人要做或知道的事情太多了. Today cybersecurity is a discipline of its own that includes different specialties. 以覆盖所有的基础, you really need a whole cybersecurity department and that’s not feasible for most small and medium-sized businesses (SMB). The way that SMB’s are getting the cybersecurity capability they need is to partner with managed IT and cyber defense companies like Bellwether. 通过外包,公司可以获得[…]

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